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CKNet-Ina Code of Conduct (Part 1) - Jan T.L Yap
Category : Capacity Building | December 26, 2012Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives and Values are the basics of any organization, even virtual organizations. Cknet-Ina consist of nodes, links, individual and knowledge teams. According to knowledge ...[Read More]
Tor Gender Mainstreaming At WRM Sector
Category : Gender Mainstreaming | August 13, 2010Dari hasil kajian yang dilakukan Margaret Zwarteveen di negara India dan Nepal pada tahun 2006 dari Irigation and Water Engineering, Wageningen University memperlihatkan bahwa pentingnya pemahaman ...[Read More]
Project Digest
Category : Gender Mainstreaming | August 13, 2010The proposed of the Capacity Building on Gender Mainstreaming training ultimate goal is to improve that in every projects and programs in the water sector contain toward gender mainstreami ...[Read More]
Gender Training Schedule
Category : Gender Mainstreaming | August 13, 2010Gender Training Schedule ...[Read More]
Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM in Southeast Asia
Category : Gender Mainstreaming | August 13, 2010Gender Mainstreaming has been endorsed by the Beijing Platform for Action (Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995) and has been followed by governments and other actors to promote ...[Read More]
Strategi Advokasi & Lobbying
Category : Gender Mainstreaming | July 03, 2010Advokasi berarti membujuk, mengusahakan, atau mendukung, suatu alasan untuk melakukan perubahan dalam bidang kebijakan. Sedangkan teknik lain untuk mendukung strategi advokasi adalah lobbying, berarti ...[Read More]
Introduksi Komunikasi
Category : Gender Mainstreaming | July 03, 2010Komunikasi adalah suatu proses dimana pihak‐pihak yang terlibat saling menggunakan informasi untuk mencapai pengertian bersama (menyamakan persepsi) sebagai upaya perubahan perilaku yang lebih b ...[Read More]
Media Komunikasi Untuk Advokasi Gender
Category : Gender Mainstreaming | July 03, 2010Media adalah perpanjangan atau adaptasi dari kemampuan indra manusia sebagai penyalur/chanel dan visualisasi untuk mempermudah penyampaian pesan dan informasikepada publik atau audiens /komunikan. Did ...[Read More]
Roofwater Harvesting
Category : Rainharvesting | May 30, 2010Ster professional are becoming increasingly worried about water scarcity. The UN World Water Development Report of 2003 suggest that polulation growth, pollution and climate cnage are likely to produc ...[Read More]
Rain Water Harvesting as Alternative Water Source
Category : Rainharvesting | May 30, 2010Water is the basis for all living ecosystems and habitats and part of an immutable hydrological cycle that must be respected if development of human activity and well-being is to be sustainable. ...[Read More]