Paper Competition in Climate change for International Students, Germany
Committee of the International Conference "Technology cooperation and economic benefits of reducing emissions of greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia", held 1-2 November 2010 in Hamburg, Germany announced the Essay Contest students for international students, especially for German and Indonesian Undergraduate,Post graduate and Phd students in the world. Topics related to the issue of climate change.
IWC Water Leader Scholarships
IWC Water Leader Scholarships open until August 1 2010
Full and partial-tuition scholarships are now available to study International WaterCentre\'s (IWC) Master of Integrated Water Management
(Also available as a Graduate Certificate and Diploma)
Full scholarships - AU$39,960
Partial scholarships
Full-time and part-time/distance study options
Scholarships open May 1 - August 1
Program starts February 2011
Fully-funded PhD Studentship Climate Science And The Risk Society
This fully funded Swansea University studentship (joint Geography/Law) will address the relationship between science and wider society (civil society, policy- and law-makers, and other social actors) in the context of climate change - particularly in the wake of the 2009 'climate-gate' affair (when internal electronic communications of the Climate Change Unit at the University of East Anglia were placed in the public domain by third party intervention).
UNESCO-L'OREAL Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for Young Women in Life Sciences
Within the framework of the UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowships Scheme, a joint programme has been launched with the L’ORÉAL Corporate Foundation with a view to promoting the contribution of young women - from all over the world – in research developments in the field of life sciences.
Grant ACCESS Phase II
ACCESS Phase II builds on the successes of Phase I with a focus on strengthening the capacity of local CSOs and building demand for better governance. ACCESS Phase II, together with its strategic partners and with CSOs, will be working on a number of different levels (i.e. community, village, sub-district, district, provincial and national level) to ensure improved local democratic governance is made possible by facilitating a stronger role for communities, community organisations and citizens, and constructively engaging with government.
Current Vacanties at
For its international programmes of solidarity, Triangle Génération Humanitaire employs technical coordinators, administrators, project managers, country directors and consultants...
Triangle is an "equal opportunities" employer. When you first join us, we offer an "overseas volunteer" contract lasting approximately 6 months.
After that, your contract is upgraded to a "customary fixed-term contract" (CDD Contrat d'Usage). To access the status of a fixed-term contract, your previous NGO experience working in the field is taken into account and can reduce the period when you are considered an "overseas volunteer".
Fully-funded PhD Studentship
This fully funded Swansea University studentship (joint Geography/Law) will address the relationship between science and wider society (civil society, policy- and law-makers, and other social actors) in the context of climate change - particularly in the wake of the 2009 'climate-gate' affair (when internal electronic communications of the Climate Change Unit at the University of East Anglia were placed in the public domain by third party intervention). The focus will be on how scientific knowledge is mediated by other interests, and the challenges this raises in a 'world risk society' (Beck) in which progress has created countless new global uncertainties.
Australian Development Scholarship (ADS)
The Australian Government has been providing scholarships to Indonesia for study in Australia since the Colombo Plan in the 1950s. The Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) program remains the largest and longest running scholarships program in Indonesia . Australian Development Scholarships offers up to 300 scholarships each year at the postgraduate level (Masters or Doctorate) to Indonesians in both the public, private and community sectors.
Volunteer Programs at AUSAID
While AusAID is unable to directly assist people interested in volunteer work placements in Indonesia , we do encourage those interested to contact the following organizations for further information on how you can make a contribution to overseas development as a volunteer
DFID's Development Innovation Fund: An Opportunity for Small NGOs
For those small NGOs who think that it is impossible to access funding from international bilateral agencies, here is something that can change their mind. The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) has launched the Development Innovation Fund (DIF) specially "aimed at community based organisations involved in providing specific small scale, one-off support that directly targets poverty in the developing world and includes a significant development awareness component in the UK." No doubt, DFID has always considered that partnership with civil society organizations is critical to reduce global poverty.