NEWRI Environmental Master of Science (NEMS) programme
Applications for the MS June 2011 intake open now and close on 30 November 2010. Applicants with good bachelor degrees or students in their final-year of undergraduate studies in engineering/science, are invited to apply for admission to the NEWRI Environmental Master of Science (NEMS) programme. It is conducted by Nanyang Technological University’s School of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI) with summer attachment at Stanford University.
PhD scholarship at University of Melbourne
Applicants need to write a clear and specific 600-700 word research proposal to submit with their application. If you are intending to study in Actuarial Studies, Management and Marketing or the Melbourne Institute, you will also be required to submit a CV and covering letter.
While the Faculty accepts applications for graduate research degrees at any time, applicants must submit their application by 31 October (for entry to Semester One) in order to be considered for a scholarship.
Please visit Departmental websites for details of current research activity and to find academic staff interests and expertise.
Masters For Natural Science INPEX Scholarship 2011, Japan
INPEX Scholarship Foundation was established in tokyo, Japan as Non-profit organization. The main program is to offer scholarship awards to Indonesian youths, who have graduated from universities in Indonesia and live in Indonesia, and who wish to study the subjects in the fields of natural science in the Graduate School of Universities in Japan for Master's Degree, and to offer scholarship awards to Japanese youths also who wish to study in Indonesia.
Woman Future fellowships for PhD study in the physical sciences, engineering
Faculty for the Future fellowships are awarded to women from developing and emerging economies who are preparing for PhD or post-doctoral study in the physical sciences, engineering, or related disciplines to pursue advanced graduate study at top universities in their disciplines abroad. The 2011 Awards session will open to applications as of September 1st to November 30th 2010. Guidance and application forms will be available from that date.
Competitive Grand Directorate General of Higher Education
Competitive Research Grants are provided for productive lecturers only, withing 2-3 years research duration and the maximum funding each year for Rp.50.000.000. Maximum two periods, except for researchers who are able to publish it as an international journal and / or obtain a property rights.
Directorate General of Higher Education-Fullbright 2011 for Masters and PHD
DIKTI in cooperation with AMINEF will offer scholarships for those who will interest to obtain masters and doctoral in the United States. The program will be intake in 2011.
Regional Holcim Awards 2010
The Holcim Awards also seeks the visions and ideas for the "Next Generation" (student) category which is open to student projects created within university programs at final year bachelor level or above (including master's and PhD).
The third Holcim Awards competition cycle is currently open for entries until March 23, 2011.
Plant Functional Biology and Climate Change Research Cluster (C3) Honours and PhD Projects
We are looking for passionate and practical students to join the world class team at C3. If you think you have the qualifications and skills please consult the Faculty of Science Research page for a step by step guide on the application process.
Although applications have closed for 2009 scholarships a new round will open next year. If you are still interested in applying for a scholarship talk to the relevant C3 team member to discuss your options.
8 PhD scholarships within Climate Change; Impacts, Mitigation & Adaptation
With financial support from the
Faculty of Biology, University of Copenhagen, 8 PhD scholarships are available
in the Climate Change: Impacts, adaptation and mitigation. The intern three years
is expected to be effective from December 1 or shortly thereafter.
Applications are welcomed within the following 15 areas; please observe that
only 8 PhD scholarships will be filled.
Japan Doctoral Scholarships, Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University
The International Energy Studies PhD program is offered to provide students and foreign researchers, who have a master's degree (or equivalent) the opportunity to continue their studies for his doctorate at Kyoto University. In the doctoral program, Master of the Japanese language is unnecessary because students can obtain the necessary funds by choosing from a variety of topics are presented in English and they also supervised the research work in English.