Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist - Mekong River Commissions
The MRC is an equal opportunity employer. The organization welcomes applications from all qualified candidates. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Besides required qualifications, immediate availability will be considered as an advantage to the selection process. Interested applicants may find more information about each position through the Job Description, which is located at the bottom of this page. Due to the high number of applications that we receive, we regret that only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for an interview.
Solid Waste Management Services Team Leader - Sri Lanka and Maldives Ocean Plastics Reduction Activity
RTI is seeking a Solid Waste Management (SWM) Services Team Leader for the recently awarded USAID Sri Lanka & Maldives Ocean Plastics Reduction Activity. The SWM Services Team Lead will lead activities that professionalize, improve and expand SWM for local, small-scale and private sector service providers, with a focus on reducing plastics available to the environment.
This position will be based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and report to the Deputy Chief of Party - Sri Lanka.
Project Coordinator
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is looking for highly motivated professionals to join its Head Quarters in Colombo Sri Lanka as a Project Coordinator.
The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) National SLCP Expert (Philippines)
The National Consultant will support the Philippines’ national SLCP planning and implementation efforts. This will include integrated SLCP assessments and rapid implementation of actions that reduce SLCPs at the national level. The expert will also assist in strengthening the long-term institutional and technical capacity dedicated to supporting key mitigation measures that contribute to reducing emissions from these high impact sector and political and institutional backing for the SLCP mitigation strategy.
International consultant to assess the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023
UNDP Cambodia provides support to the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) for the coordination of the climate change response, through the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase 3 (CCCA3) programme. There is a need for development of an approach for the new Climate Change Strategic Plan (2024-) to mainstream Cambodia's climate commitments into the sectoral work and to analyze the short- mid and long-term policy pathways, that should guide Cambodia in meeting its commitment under its NDC and towards net zero emissions by 2050. The approach should take a systematic top-down and bottom-up approach to analyze the current sectoral work, analyze gaps and map opportunities to strengthen the practical implementation of the climate change commitments through the CCCSP.
United Nations Information Centres looking for Intern Public Information
Org. Setting and Reporting
The United Nations Environment Programme or UNEP is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.
This position is based in the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), Bangkok duty station.
Young Scientists Summer Program (2023)
IIASA offers a summer program for PhD students to undertake a scientific project on a topic related to the IIASA research agenda. Applications to the 2023 program will open 6 October 2022 (12 PM CEST) and run until 12 January 2023 (midnight CEST). Two letters of reference are required (to be received by latest 24 hrs past application deadline).
Call for Applications: Become one of the next IWRA World Water Envoys
The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) is pleased to announce that the call for applications is now open for the World Water Envoys Programme. The selected representatives will have the opportunity to showcase the difficult water issues they and their communities face, and the solutions they are exploring when it comes to balancing water needs of humans and nature during the XVIII World Water Congress in Beijing, China, September 11-15, 2023.