August 13, 2010
Tor Gender Mainstreaming At WRM Sector
Dari hasil kajian yang dilakukan Margaret Zwarteveen di negara India dan Nepal pada tahun 2006 dari Irigation and Water Engineering, Wageningen University memperlihatkan bahwa pentingnya pemahaman tentang Gender Mainstreaming dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air dalam rangka kelangsungan kehidupan. Zwarteveen menyimpulkan beberapa hal, yaitu: (1) Upaya selama ini untuk menjawab ketidakseimbangan gender di sector air, tidak efektif dilakukan; (2) Rendahnya pemahaman yang terintegrasi untuk menjawab permasalahan pengarusutamaan gender dalam analisis di sector air. Dari persoalan tersebut, gender hanya dilihat sebagai isu sampingan atau suatu pemikiran yang terakhir dan tidak menjadi isu utama dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air.
August 13, 2010
Project Digest
The proposed of the Capacity Building on Gender Mainstreaming training ultimate goal is to improve that in every projects and programs in the water sector contain toward gender mainstreaming concepts continuosly. Lack of knowledge of gender mainstreaming among stakeholder and patriarchal values cause lack of understanding and lack of attitude toward gender. The causes of domination of patriarchal values are wrong perception and lack of concern toward gender among stakeholders. Furthermore, the direct impact of lack of gender mainstreaming concepts in every projects and programs first, the needs among women in the water sector are ignore and the impact of poor health condition of women and children, secondly expectations of women in the water sector are left and the impact will reduce women capacities particularly in public sphere and third, experiences of women on water sector are neglected and the impact participation of women are limited.
August 13, 2010
Gender Training Schedule
Gender Training Schedule
August 13, 2010
Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM in Southeast Asia
Gender Mainstreaming has been endorsed by the Beijing Platform for Action (Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995) and has been followed by governments and other actors to promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming the gender perspectives in policies and projects/programmes, so that, before decisions are taken, an analysis is made of the effects on both women and men. This approach was defined by UNDP as taking account of gender concerns in all policy and programmes. It is further defined as the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women's as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality, and not to perpetuate inequality. These definitions indicate clearly that gender concerns are to be addressed in all socio-economic, environmental and cultural policies.
July 03, 2010
Strategi Advokasi & Lobbying
Advokasi berarti membujuk, mengusahakan, atau mendukung, suatu alasan untuk melakukan perubahan dalam bidang kebijakan. Sedangkan teknik lain untuk mendukung strategi advokasi adalah lobbying, berarti mempengaruhi pihak lain untuk perubahan keadaan dengan lebih mengandalkan kekuatan komunikasi interpersonal
July 03, 2010
Introduksi Komunikasi
Komunikasi adalah suatu proses dimana pihak‐pihak yang terlibat saling menggunakan informasi untuk mencapai pengertian bersama (menyamakan persepsi) sebagai upaya perubahan perilaku yang lebih baik
July 03, 2010
kepada publik atau audiens /komunikan. Didukung kemajuan TEKNOLOGI maka media
berfungsi mempercepat dan memperluas akses penerimaaan pesan di berbagai aspek kehidupan (termasuk pesan‐pesan sosial mengenai pengarus utamaan gender di sektor pengelolaan sumber daya air
Media Komunikasi Untuk Advokasi Gender
Media adalah perpanjangan atau adaptasi dari kemampuan indra manusia sebagai penyalur/chanel dan visualisasi untuk mempermudah penyampaian pesan dan informasikepada publik atau audiens /komunikan. Didukung kemajuan TEKNOLOGI maka media
berfungsi mempercepat dan memperluas akses penerimaaan pesan di berbagai aspek kehidupan (termasuk pesan‐pesan sosial mengenai pengarus utamaan gender di sektor pengelolaan sumber daya air
May 30, 2010
Gender Perspectives On Policies in the Water Sector
What do we mean by "The Water Crisis"? For the engineers, scientists and politicians who now use the phrase regularly to support plans for better conservation and management of water resources, the crisis means that demand for more and more water for industry, food production, power generation, drinking water and hygiene are threatening to outstrip renewable supplies and damage natural ecosystems. This serious problem demands urgent action. Integrated water resources management (IWRM) ais avital ingredient in the solutions to this macro water crisis.
May 30, 2010
Gender in Water Resources Management, Water Supply and Sanitation
This book investigates how gender is present in the newly emerging principles on the sustainable management of water resources. The book also reviews how these gender-specified principle are currently applied in the water supply, sanitation and hygiene sector.
May 30, 2010