ToT Human Right Based Approach to Sustainable Water Management, Costa Rica
September 09, 2014
Taking forward the human right based approach into water and sanitation and further as a cross cutting area in water management; a training package is being developing on this topic. Now this is the time to bring local and international expertise together and test and enrich the content of this training package through a global ToT.
Hosting Network: REDICA is the Central American network working on IWRM and capacity development with Cap-Net for the past 12 years. For more information on REDICA and the work we do visit
Costa Rica is a small country of only 51,000 square kilometers between the Caribbean and the Pacific seas. Although it is a tropical country, during the month of October you will encounter the rainy season with frequent rains in the afternoons and temperatures between 26-21ªC.
The activity will take place at the Studio Hotel in Santa Ana; it is a fairly new boutique hotel with an emphasis on Costa Rican art. It is decorated with unique pieces and individuality. For a direct look at the hotel and conference room visit