June 08, 2011
This course is intended to introduce general concepts and
the practical application of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) as an
instrument for adaptation to climate change. The course will be provided with
the skill and knowledge in the concept, strategies, developments and guidance
on the use of IWRM principles and function, particularly at the river basin
level for adaption to climate change manifestations and impacts.
- It argues that IWRM principles and concepts are instrumental when climate change adaptation is being strategized. To address this, the course is structured according to seven topics:
- Introduction to IWRM and climate change;To introduce the concept of IWRM and its principles and to provide a preliminary overview of the ways that implementing IWRM can address challenges due to climate change.
- Drivers and impacts of climate change;To familiarize participants with the drivers and physical science basis of climate change,as well as to help them understand potential impacts on the water cycle and the consequences for water use and ecosystem functioning.
- Strategy development and planning for adaptation;To familiarize participants with the basic principles and steps of adaptation planning, as well as to provide a basic introduction to adaptation economics and the challenges and opportunities of adapting to climate change in the water sector.
- Impact of climate change on water use sectors;To familiarize participants with the expected impacts of climate change in different regions and on selected water use sectors, as well as with methods how to analyses and assess these impacts.
- Dealing with uncertainties;To familiarize participants with the uncertainties involved in predicting and adapting to the expected impacts of climate change.
- Instruments and measures for adaptation; To familiarize participants with the range of adaptation measures for a number of projected climate change impacts and to discuss indicators for their applicability in given climatic and socio-economic environments.
- Adaptation to climate change in water management; To familiarize participants with the way adaptation to climate chang can be incorporated into water resources management at all levels.
The course will be conducted in October 2011. Previously we had called facilitators from professional and academy either International or National. Presently, those top facilitators were selected to carry the materials. For whom interested to receive the details please contact CKNet-INA secretariat (Ms Yuni).