Asset Management Workshop 2015
April 07, 2015
A brief report on Asset Management Workshop
CDIET Project/PUSDIKLAT MPW in collaboration with its partners (IHE Indonesia/CKNet/UNESCO-IHE), organised a Workshop in Asset Management from 23-26 March 2015 at Plaza Conference II, Plaza Surabaya Hotel, Surabaya, East Java.
Who delivered the workshop?
Mr. Matthijs Kok is a part-time professor of Flood Risk at Delft University of Technology. He holds this chair within the department of hydraulic engineering. The group focuses on research and education related to flood risk and hydraulic engineering systems, such as flood defences, storm surge barriers, tunnels and locks. The group also develops methods for probabilistic design and flood risk management and approaches to incorporate eco-design, Delta Urbanism, consequences of flooding and asset management.
Who attended the workshop?
The participants of Asset Management Workshop were lecturers and professionals in Indonesia. There are 27 participants in total, consisting of 14 females (52%) and 13 males (48%) with the composition as follows:
- Balais of MPW: 4 persons
- PUSDIKLAT’s related universities: 6 persons
- CKNet Member
Universities 13 persons
Perum Jasa Tirta I Malang 3 persons
What is the content delivered in the workshop?
The 4-day training consists of 9 training modules. Major themes, each consisting of a collection of modules that describes, explains and analyses Asset Management through: Principles and Components of Asset Management, Risk Management of Infrastructure, Optimization of Maintenance Activities and Case Studies. Most modules contain case studies of best practices.
The programs have been structured to meet the needs of those who would like to broaden their knowledge in asset management in the context of hydraulic structure.
How is the Workshop Delivered?
Participants attended an intensive 4-day workshops and completed their group work in the workplace by applying their learning to the given exercise/case study. This shows that the participants did not only broaden their knowledge in Asset Management but also improved their practical skills to manage their assets. Since participants can work in teams as well as individually, the team building and change management outcomes are significant.
An asset management should take an intensive approach to choose the right tools, not a one size that fits all, but depending on the needs, taking into account the basic information required. A fully developed Asset Management approach usually requires a number of iterations of the Asset Management Plan, and needs to be reviewed more frequently for more complex systems, especially asset systems where the average annual cost required to provide the agreed standard of service is high.